Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Chris Stebbins

Rock Paper Scissors Instructions


·        This game is about guessing the right choice                                     

·        you can pick rock, paper or scissors

·        the number of players you can have are two

·       To start off u need to know how to win

                              -rock beats scissors

                              -paper beats rock

                              -scissors beats paper

  • First you make a fist, then you smack your other hand four times and on the fourth time you make the decision with your fist
This game is fun because you can use it to make decisions
-if you and your friend are fighting over what tv show to watch you can use this game to decide on what to watch
How do you keep winning
-the game is all about chance or mind games
-you can pick any random choice or you can try to tell what move your opponent will choose

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