Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Project9(new) Presentation/participation


I looked at Matthew Mudgett's Concept development. I really like the way he designed his dirt blocks. He used the dither tool which made them look even better.


I spoke with Professor Garvey about my concept development. At the time I didn't have anything drawn and was a little confused. He helped me realize what size of a canvas I should use. After speaking with Professor Garvey, it helped me complete my concept development.

Project9(new) concept development part II


Monday, October 20, 2014

Project9-WK9 Participation

My partner Professor Garvey said a lot of helpful things. He said that my floor wasn't the right size compared to the bricks. My floor size was a little bit too big. He said that I need to change my camera view because it looks like im sitting in the corner.

Project9-WK9 presentation

I looked at Ryan's image. His texture was not distorted, it looked like his bricks were a little long. His walls looked very natural and the mortar was sunken rather than protruding. The lighting was perfect, it really set the scene. With the corner it gave his scene a sense of mystery.

Project9-WK9 Drawing

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Project7-WK7 Deliverable


Project7-WK7 Participation

Both Matt and Mike really like my maze design. They said that my maze works really well. Both Matt and Mike noticed that my maze is unicursal, which means only one path will work. My maze looks clean and is not a "space filling algorithm."

Project7-WK7 Isometric maze draing

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Project 6-WK6 Participation

A lot of people said the same things. Everyone liked my pictures. The only thing I need to do is re upload my cube and my gif. Both of these look a little fuzzy and it would be wise to re upload.