Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Project 5-WK5 Participation

My partner Mr. Garvey had a lot of ideas to make my work stand out more. He talked about combing two of my thumbnails to make one that would work even better. He wants me to make a thumbnail that you really have to look at. Make sure that people will look at my whole board, not just a quick glance.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Project 5-WK5 Concept Development

Game Title - The Last Of US

Review By - Chris Stebbins, Quinnipiac University

Overview -  You must survive as Joel and Ellie. You must fight your way through hordes of zombies and escort Ellie to the Fireflies.

Characters - Joel and Ellie



Highlight - When Joel gets injured and you have to play as Ellie. You have to get supplies and help Joel recover from his injury.
Strongest Element - The story is amazing. The way the story leads up to the ending is just outstanding.
Weakest Element - I feel as if the aiming of weapons could be improved. When you aim, you need to be really accurate.

Lessons - You learn that zombies are very difficult to deal with. You also learn that your luck will slowly run out.

Project 5-WK5 Research part II The Last Of US

The Last Of Us
The game revolves around Joel and Ellie. The concept of the game is to survive. You must fight your way through hordes of zombies and escort Ellie to the Fireflies. Joel is promised a huge pay if Ellie is escorted to the Fireflies. 

Project 5-WK5 Research part I

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Project 3 - WK3 - Participation

     My partner, Mike, said "I like the way you have your mood board spread out but, the basketball and the court look a little out of place".  He wants me to find better pictures so that the mood board is complete and nothing will look out of place.